2023 Ministry Update

My calling as a writer expanded in recent months, so it’s time for an update. It’s my hope the various links below connect you with the type of inspiration and resources that are most helpful to you. Thank you for the honor of encouraging you and supplying your ministry.

The journey to these milestones helped me clarify God’s calling as a writer. I provide Christian resources for prayer and pilgrimage to help persons encounter God. 

I have a calling as a writer, a pastor, a wife, a mother… we have many callings, dear ones, in God’s expanding plans for us.

May you know and embrace all your callings. We need you blossoming in each of them.

– Lisa <><

My longest-running writing project is my blog here on revlisad.com. Here you’ll find over twelve years of prayers, sermons, and guides to spiritual practices, plus new additions most weeks. This writing is born from my devotional practices and the resources I create for my congregation or by request.

You’re welcome to search the blog for what you need and use my work in a worship setting without asking permission. It’s always a treat to hear from you if you’ve found something helpful to use. Please ask permission to publish my work in a book, blog, etc.

When you subscribe, you’ll receive an email anytime I post. My blog is especially helpful for pastors and worship planners, but everyone’s welcome.

I also offer a weekly newsletter entitled Prayer & Practice. Here you’ll find my most personal writing – reflections, prayers, recommended resources, pictures of my grandbaby, etc.

This is also where you’ll find behind-the-scenes updates on my latest writing projects and invitations to provide feedback on projects before they make their way into the world. Click this link to subscribe to my newsletter.

In 2019, I began working on a spiritual journal for Christians taking a trip to the Holy Land. Folks helped me test prototype #1 on a trip in 2020 right before the pandemic. Another group helped me test prototype #2 in March of 2022.  

As I worked through rounds of revisions for the journal, an unexpected thing happened. I realized the journal was multiplying into several related resources.  

  • A smaller version of the journal
  • The version of the journal I would want to take to the Holy Land, what I now call the Dream Journal
  • A Holy Land Planning and Packing Guide
  • A Preparing for Pilgrimage Study Guide
  • A Sites and Scripture Reference Guide

This led to the creation of a small publishing company named Via Lexi. Via Lexi is Latin for Way of the Word

All but the dream journal are now complete. But they needed a place for people to find them. So I built a brand new website for them, www.vialexi.comConsider this your invitation to stop by and take a look around.   

For a little over a year, I’ve been a regular contributor to The Pastor’s Workshop, a terrific subscription site for worship and sermon resources. They organize their large collection by the lectionary and by topic, plus the site is searchable. If you decide to join, be sure to say hi to Stu, their founder and chief curator. He’s a really great human.

A few thoughts on last week (7-24-2021)

Greetings Beloved of God
A few notes on a very full week.

It’s been a month since we moved to New Smyrna Beach. It’s lovely to be nesting in our own home. There’s been flooring work, painting, electrical work, adding ceiling fans and light fixtures. We’ve bought some new to us furniture and are selling/giving away what’s still useful. It will be many months before we’re through all the boxes since Ed and I are both working.

Daisy loves the backyard. Honey will nose around a bit if we place her in the grass.

Last week included the joy of Vacation Bible School and meetings with the Coronado Community Leadership to update our COVID policies based on recommendations from the Medical Team. I also met with the UMW leadership, our Day School Director, and Freddie the community organizer with F.A.I.T.H., Fighting Against Injustice Toward Harmony. I’m grateful for the chance to serve alongside these wise, faith-full folks.

There were also meetings with folks interested in going to Israel next March and folks interested in who we are as CCUMC and how to get involved. I’m encouraged by their openness, stories, and gifts. If you’re local and would like to meet, I’m scheduling appointments. You’re never a bother. Contact me at info@revlisad.com.

A friend’s husband has COVID. A friend’s small grandson has COVID. I have a family member with COVID and my beloved Ed works in a hospital where COVID cases are rising fast. Please get vaccinated. Please wear a mask if you aren’t fully vaccinated.

It’s good to be writing again. In recent days I’ve offered public prayers for Haiti/Cuba, the Olympics, and one based on John 6. My newsletter Prayer & Practice will wake from its summer nap the first Tuesday in August. You can subscribe here.

Ed and I are watching America Ninja Warrior and rewatching The Big Band Theory. Delightful. We’re eating lots of yummy takeout thanks to thoughtful folks who’ve blessed us with gift cards. I’m looking forward to being settled enough to do some cooking soon.

May you be safe and nurtured and loved by God and many others.
Your sister and servant in Christ- Lisa <><

Why I Use 4 Journals Instead of 1

My spiritual life grew richer and deeper thanks to the practice of spiritual journaling. When I first started, I used to put everything in one journal- some reflections on a scripture next to memories from a trip next to notes from a lecture next to a prayer next to a brain dump for an upcoming project. It was a mess and I had trouble finding the treasures when I needed them again.

This year, I made a change- dividing my writing needs into four journals. It’s been a huge improvement. Maybe it will be helpful to you as well.

For most of my journaling, I use inexpensive, college-ruled composition books. I need a place to write and they serve that purpose. Three of my four journals are composition books. I leave a page or two at the beginning of each for a table of contents.

  1. A journal for general note taking, project planning, and brainstorming
  2. A journal for morning devotions, prayers, and evening reflection
  3. A journal to record memories from my travels

My fourth journal is a Clever Fox Planner. I wanted to try bullet journaling for scheduling appointments, to do lists, resource lists, etc. The Clever Fox Planner is a hybrid with predesigned spreads at the front (such as goal setting, monthly calendars, and weekly scheduling) and standard bullet journal pages at the back. I like the quality of this planner, especially the thick pages and that it lays flat when open. It’s working well for me in conjunction with my digital Google calendar. (not an affiliate link, not a sponsored review)

I’d love to hear from you!

  • What journals do you keep?
  • What topics do you writing about?
  • Do you have a favorite planner or journal? What do you like about it?

May the Lord bless you and reveal many things to you through your journaling.
– Lisa <><

Why I Use 4 Journals Instead of 1 © 2019 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia
Leave a comment for information and permission to publish this work in any form.

Ending Your Day with Reflection Questions

I read an article recently about the benefits of ending your day with several reflection questions. I’ve found the practice helpful and thought you would as well.

Reflection is an ancient practice, with references in the Bible (Lamentations 3:40-41; Galatians 6:4-5; 2 Corinthians 13:5). Ignatius of Loyola encouraged the practice with the early Jesuits, as did John Wesley with the early Methodists.

Here’s what I noticed
As you walk through the questions, you decompress and let go, you also rest in knowing where you’re headed the next day, both of which foster better sleep.

More importantly, questions like these keep us self-aware and awake to the Holy Spirit. As we answer the questions we hear from God and move forward in the journey of faith. Never forget faith is a movement. We are followers of Christ, moving forward with intentionality, constant discovery, and growth. Our growing bears fruit in our words, actions, and service to others.

I also noticed the longer I keep to the practice, the richer it becomes. It started off simple, even superficial. But as the days passed, I began to be more honest with myself. I also began to trust I could be more and more honest with God.

write journalHere are the questions I’m using. They came from several different sources. I answer them by writing in a journal.

1. What happened today?
Make a quick bullet list or write a narrative

2. Glory Sighting: Where did you see God at work in others? In and through you?
Each day can bring a new testimony to God’s grace, provision, and power.

3. What did you read/hear/learn?
Christians are lifelong learners

4. What are you thankful for?
“A life contemplating the blessings of Christ becomes a life acting the love of Christ.” ― Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

5. How are you feeling emotionally?
Be honest and seek Christ’s perspective

6. How did you fall short of loving God, others, and yourself?
Ask for and receive Christ’s forgiveness and freedom

7. What are you asking the Holy Spirit to do in you and through you?
This could be about a relationship, your work, a situation, your ministry, etc.

8. What will you do tomorrow to move forward with Christ?
Answer this in relation to question 7

What questions would you add to this list? I look forward to hearing about your time with God and to seeing the great and good changes this practice will bring in your life.
– Lisa <><

2 Corinthians 3:17-18 NRSV
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.

Ending Your Day With Reflection Questions © 2019 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia
Leave a comment for information and permission to publish this work in any form.

The 2016 TED Talk Experiment- Week 13

TED talk blog graphic 2

The Magic Ingredient That Brings Pixar Movies to Life
Danielle Feinberg
TED Talks Live New York City, November 2015
Science and art working together. “We use science to create something wonderful. We use story and artistic touch to get us to a place of wonder.” 

Try Something New for 30 Days 
Matt Cutts
TED2011 Long Beach California, March 2011
Delightful. Encouraging. Big ideas- 1. You can build courage 30 days at a time. 2) Small, sustainable changes stick.

Success, failure and the drive to keep creating
Elizabeth Gilbert
TED2014 Vancouver BC, March 2014
Watch this talk! It took 6 years of failure before Elizabeth Gilbert was finally published. Why did she continue to put herself through that pain? “I loved writing more than I hated failing at writing. Which is to say I loved writing more than I loved my own ego. Which is ultimately to say I loved writing more than myself.” Writing is her home. She returns to it again and again in failure or success. “I will always be safe from the random hurricanes of outcome as long as I never forget where I rightfully live.” What is your home? 

Wisdom From Great Writers on Every Year of Life
Joshua Prager
TEDActive 2015 Whistler BC, March 2015
Interesting project. “Like art and like color, literature helps us to remember what we have experienced.”

TED’s Secret to Great Public Speaking
Chris Anderson
TEDStudio New York City, March 2016
“Ideas are the most powerful force shaping human culture.” Ideas shape us and change us now. We carry this change into future attitudes and behaviors. 

I’m trying an experiment in 2016. Maybe you’d like to try it with me.

Here’s where I am
I’m tired of the spin. I’m tired of ideas, news, and entertainment really being one long sales pitch for profit or power.

I’m longing for creativity, curiosity, and inspiration. I’m in search of passionate people willing to speak to the truth and complexity of living with a heart of hope. I want to hear from authentic humans who are in the trenches working for the greater good.

I think I’ve found them in the TED community.

“TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. On TED.com, we’re building a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world’s most inspired thinkers — and a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other, both online and at TED and TEDx events around the world, all year long.”

TED’s been around for 30 years. I’ve heard about them and even watched a couple of talks, but I’ve never spent any concentrated time mining the good stuff. So….

Here’s the plan
Watch 5 enthusiastic, inspiring TED Talk presenters a week for a year.
Apply and share the goodness.