2023 Ministry Update

My calling as a writer expanded in recent months, so it’s time for an update. It’s my hope the various links below connect you with the type of inspiration and resources that are most helpful to you. Thank you for the honor of encouraging you and supplying your ministry.

The journey to these milestones helped me clarify God’s calling as a writer. I provide Christian resources for prayer and pilgrimage to help persons encounter God. 

I have a calling as a writer, a pastor, a wife, a mother… we have many callings, dear ones, in God’s expanding plans for us.

May you know and embrace all your callings. We need you blossoming in each of them.

– Lisa <><

My longest-running writing project is my blog here on revlisad.com. Here you’ll find over twelve years of prayers, sermons, and guides to spiritual practices, plus new additions most weeks. This writing is born from my devotional practices and the resources I create for my congregation or by request.

You’re welcome to search the blog for what you need and use my work in a worship setting without asking permission. It’s always a treat to hear from you if you’ve found something helpful to use. Please ask permission to publish my work in a book, blog, etc.

When you subscribe, you’ll receive an email anytime I post. My blog is especially helpful for pastors and worship planners, but everyone’s welcome.

I also offer a weekly newsletter entitled Prayer & Practice. Here you’ll find my most personal writing – reflections, prayers, recommended resources, pictures of my grandbaby, etc.

This is also where you’ll find behind-the-scenes updates on my latest writing projects and invitations to provide feedback on projects before they make their way into the world. Click this link to subscribe to my newsletter.

In 2019, I began working on a spiritual journal for Christians taking a trip to the Holy Land. Folks helped me test prototype #1 on a trip in 2020 right before the pandemic. Another group helped me test prototype #2 in March of 2022.  

As I worked through rounds of revisions for the journal, an unexpected thing happened. I realized the journal was multiplying into several related resources.  

  • A smaller version of the journal
  • The version of the journal I would want to take to the Holy Land, what I now call the Dream Journal
  • A Holy Land Planning and Packing Guide
  • A Preparing for Pilgrimage Study Guide
  • A Sites and Scripture Reference Guide

This led to the creation of a small publishing company named Via Lexi. Via Lexi is Latin for Way of the Word

All but the dream journal are now complete. But they needed a place for people to find them. So I built a brand new website for them, www.vialexi.comConsider this your invitation to stop by and take a look around.   

For a little over a year, I’ve been a regular contributor to The Pastor’s Workshop, a terrific subscription site for worship and sermon resources. They organize their large collection by the lectionary and by topic, plus the site is searchable. If you decide to join, be sure to say hi to Stu, their founder and chief curator. He’s a really great human.

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