Two Prayers Based on Luke 8-9

summer in the scriptures luke (8)

Prayer based on Luke 8:22-25
Jesus calms the storm

When the waves rise high above our ability to see your face…
Still my soul, Lord Jesus,
Calm the storm in me

When the howling wind and the pouring rain drown out the sound of your voice…
Still my soul, Lord Jesus,
Calm the storm in me

When the thunder and the lightning distract us from Your presence in every circumstance…
Still my soul, Lord Jesus,
calm the storm in me

moment of silence

Jesus, we see You calming storms
Storm tossed seas and stormy lives
Extend Your power and grace again,
Upon us and our fear-filled world

Speak peace and healing over bodies and spirits
overwhelmed by the crashing waves of circumstance

Jesus, speak peace. Moment of silence

Speak peace and protection over minds and hearts
adrift in confusion or drowning in fear

Jesus, speak peace. Moment of silence

Speak peace and hope over people, families, and communities
swamped by loss after loss

Jesus, speak peace. Moment of silence

You are the Prince of Peace.
You are the Resurrection and the Life.
You are strong to save.
Our hope and trust are in You

Continue to lift up prayers for needs or prayers of praise.
Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer 


Prayer based on Luke 9:28-36
Jesus is Transfigured

Now about eight days after these sayings Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. – Luke 9:28-29

Everlasting Light,
Glorious, Merciful, One,
You come, we rise
Shine in our minds,
Enlighten our understanding of you and your ways
So we may do what is true and live in your light

Restore us, O Lord God of hosts;
Let your face shine, that we may be saved. (Psalm 80:19)

Breath of Life,
Refiner’s Fire,
You come, we rise
Shine in our eyes,
Illumine what is in need of correction and cleansing,
Spark in us your compassion and reign

Restore us, O Lord God of hosts;
Let your face shine, that we may be saved. (Psalm 80:19)

Jesus, Messiah,
Light of the World,
You come, we rise
Shine in our living
Shine in our glory
No more night
No more mourning
Radiant hope for us and for all

Restore us, O Lord God of hosts;
Let your face shine, that we may be saved. (Psalm 80:19)


For the next few months, I’m reading a chapter from the Gospels each day. This is part of the Summer in the Scriptures reading plan sponsored by the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. Click Here for the reading plan.

You’re most welcome to read along and to join the Facebook discussion group, Summer in the Scriptures. You don’t need to be a Methodist or attend a Methodist church. All are welcome and all means all.

As part of the Facebook group, I’ve been supplying prayers based on the day’s reading. Feel free to post your prayers and observations based on the readings here or there as well.

May the grace of the Gospels, the challenge, and the call, inspire us to great faith and great good works in Jesus’ name. – Lisa <

Jesus, Speak Peace © 2011 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia
Let Your Face Shine © 2018 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia
You are welcome to use this work in a worship setting with proper attribution.
Please leave a comment for information and permission to publish this work in any form.

A Prayer of Praise Based on Matthew 13, the Parable of the Soil-Sower

Summer in the Scriptures (12)

Today I realized how often Jesus’ parable of the soil/sower makes its way into my devotional life. The story is simple, yet rich with wisdom and truth. I’ve learned so much and yet there is so much more to discover. Leave a comment with what you’ve discovered. I’d love to hear from you. – Lisa <><

The Parable of the Soil/Sower is found in three of the four Gospels, Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15.

Lord of Life
You sow extravagantly

Some cry, “Foolish!”
We cry, “Glory!”

You sow your Word
Your Promises
Your Justice
Your Salvation
Your Self
“Glory!” to your grace and mercy

You save us from the stealing
The shallow
The choking thorns
“Glory!” to your deliverance and power

You make our lives good rich soil
Ready for your seed
In you, we grow up and increase and yield
“Glory!” to your faithfulness and nurture

We rejoice in you, Jesus
We rejoice in being your harvest
Bearing your good and lasting fruit
Now and forever
For the glory of your name

Click Here for a reader’s theatre version of the parable of the soils/sower
Click Here for an excerpt about soil from pages 45-46 of Deeply Rooted: Knowing Self, Growing in God by Christopher Maricle


For the next few months, I’m reading a chapter from the Gospels each day. This is part of the Summer in the Scriptures reading plan sponsored by the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. Click Here for the reading plan.

You’re most welcome to read along and to join the Facebook discussion group, Summer in the Scriptures. You don’t need to be a Methodist or attend a Methodist church. All are welcome and all means all.

As part of the Facebook group, I’ve been supplying prayers based on the day’s reading. Feel free to post your prayers and observations based on the readings here or there as well.

May the grace of the Gospels, the challenge, and the call, inspire us to great faith and great good works in Jesus’ name. – Lisa <><

We Cry, “Glory!” © 2018 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia

You are welcome to use these prayers and resources in a worship setting with proper attribution. Please leave a comment to contact me directly for publishing and posting consideration.

Four Prayers Based on the Parable of the Soil-Sower (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8)


Overflowing by Feboarah Koff-Chapin

Today I realized how often Jesus’ parable of the soil/sower makes its way into my devotional life. The story is simple, yet rich with wisdom and truth. I’ve learned so much and yet there is so much more to discover. Leave a comment with what you’ve discovered. I’d love to hear from you. – Lisa <><

The Parable of the Soil/Sower is found in three of the four Gospels, Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15.

I. We Cry, “Glory!”
Lord of Life
You sow extravagantly

Some would cry, “Foolish”
We cry, “Glory!”

You sow your Word
Your Promises
Your Salvation
Your Self
“Glory!” to your grace and mercy

You save us from the stealing
The shallow
The choking thorns
“Glory!” to your deliverance and power

You make our lives good rich soil
Ready for your seed
In you, we grow up and increase and yield
“Glory!” to your goodness and faithfulness

We rejoice in you and in being your harvest
Help us to ever bear your good and lasting fruit
for the honor and glory of your name. Amen

II. Good, Good Soil
Jesus, you sow yourself
The Word of Truth, generously
The Word of Life, graciously

Defend us from the Evil One
Who seeks to snatch us away

Fortify us for hard times and costly discipleship
That we may endure

Deliver us from distraction
From worldly desires and
All that would lure us and choke us with false promises

Till us
Turn us
Enrich us with every blessing of your Spirit
That we may be good, good soil
Forever faithful and fruitful for you

III. Save My Soul, Good Gardener
Save my soul, Good Gardener
Evil flies in wanting to steal my hope
Work piles up, insecure boulders ready to crash, leaving no room to root
My faith begins to wither as does our relationship
Distractions grow, choking my gratitude
my perspective
my spirit

Guard me
Guide me
Deliver me
Clear the land
Weed then seed
Nourish the soil of my soul
I long to blossom and bring forth your fruit, a hundredfold

IV. Prayer of Confession: Break Through
This prayer of confession was commissioned for the opening worship service of the 2016 Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference of the United Methodist Church.

As we gather on your good earth,
before the bounty of your Word and Table,
and the majesty of your holy presence,
We remember and repent

Forgive us, Abiding One,
We keep you at a distance
We defy your bidding
We make it harder for people to know you

Forgive us, Saving One,
We deny our weakness
We wallow in our weakness
We take advantage of the weakness of others

Forgive us, Holy One,
We refuse your counsel
We waste your gifts
We withhold your compassion from others

Break through
Break through our hardened views,
lest the evil one win the day
Break through our gravelly hearts
lest we have no root and wither to nothing
Break through our thorny ways
lest our agendas and fears
choke the promise of your word
and smother a harvest worthy of your Name

Silent Confession

ONE: Psalm 103:8-14 CEB
Hear the good news-
The LORD is compassionate and merciful,
very patient, and full of faithful love.
God won’t always play the judge;
he won’t be angry forever.
He doesn’t deal with us according to our sin
or repay us according to our wrongdoing,
because as high as heaven is above the earth,
that’s how large God’s faithful love is for those who honor him.
As far as east is from west—
that’s how far God has removed our sin from us.
Like a parent feels compassion for their children—
that’s how the LORD feels compassion for those who honor him.
Because God knows how we’re made,
God remembers we’re just dust.

We remember and rejoice.
Glory to God! Amen!

Click Here for a reader’s theatre version of the parable of the soils/sower
Click Here for an excerpt about soil from pages 45-46 of Deeply Rooted: Knowing Self, Growing in God by Christopher Maricle

We Cry, “Glory!” © 2018 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia
Good, Good Soil © 2017 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia
Save My Soul, Good Gardener @ 2017 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia
Prayer of Confession: Break Through © 2016 by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia

You are welcome to use these prayers and resources in a worship setting with proper attribution. Please leave a comment to contact me directly for publishing and posting consideration.

Prayer based on Jesus’ Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8)


Prayer based on Jesus’ parable of the sower
Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, and Luke 8:1-15

Jesus, you sow yourself
The Word of Truth, generously
The Word of Life, graciously

Defend us from the Evil One
Who seeks to snatch us away

Fortify us for hard times and costly discipleship
That we may endure

Deliver us from distraction
From worldly desires and
All that would lure us and choke us with false promises

Till us
Turn us
Enrich us with every blessing of your Spirit
That we may be good, good soil
Forever faithful and fruitful for you

Click Here for a reader’s theater version of the parable of the sower

Click Here for a prayer of confession based on the parable of the sower

Prayer based on Jesus’ Parable of the Sower © 2017 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia
You are welcome to use this work in a worship setting with proper attribution.
Please contact Lisa for information and permission to publish this work in any form.

Into the Wilderness (Luke 8)

Jesus Heals and Demon Possessed Man by Joseph Michael Brown

Based on Luke 8:26-39

Luke 8:29 CEB
… and the demon would force him into the wilderness.

Before Jesus frees the demon-possessed man, his neighbors would try to bind him with leg irons and chains and guards. It didn’t work. He would break the restraints and overcome the guards and be forced into the wilderness. You might know what that’s like. Brokenness… Isolation… Life as wild as your surroundings.

Jesus knows the wilderness, too. Before he begins his public ministry, the Spirit leads him into that very place. (Luke 4:1-13) Forty days and forty nights we can’t begin to imagine. The evil one tries to break him but fails again and again. The wilderness for Jesus becomes a place of preparation, like the wilderness wanderers of old. Just like them, he is not alone. Just like them, he is offered the path of deliverance and salvation. Jesus emerges ready to lead and light the way.

Jesus knows the wilderness, its beauty, and its danger.
Because he has been there before he will not hesitate to go there to find us
In our brokenness, isolation, and wildness
In our battles with disease and mental illness and addiction
In our lives of poverty and prejudice and fear and evil

Because he has been there before he can offer us what he found
Wholeness, belonging, new life

Because he has been there before he can lead us out.

Because we have been there and been there with him,
We can join him in leading out others


Into the Wilderness © 2013 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia

Click for another post on this text entitled Resisting Temptation

Click for another post entitled Quotes: The Wilderness

For more information on the art, scripture translations and the use of this post in other settings, please leave a comment.