A Prayer for Heartbreak and Harm

Photo by Nothing Ahead on Pexels.com

Blessed Jesus, you are strong to save.
You hear and make things new,
not only through our efforts and overcoming,
but also through our weakness-
our whimpers and gurgles and sighs,
our trembling cries,
our silent tears.

Moment of silence

Blessed be your Name.

Divine Healer,
when we are surrounded by heartbreak and harm
You draw near.
You carry us and defend us and make a way.

Name the heartbreak and harm

Blessed be your Name.

Wounded One, Risen One,
You understand our pain and the pain of our world.
The pain we get.
The pain we reap.
The pain we sling.

Bring forgiveness, healing, and hope:

  • For our siblings across the globe who are persecuted for their faith.
  • For all who are suffering because they do not have access to daily needs.
  • For all who are suffering due to prejudice, exploitation, war, and tyrannical leaders.
  • For all who are suffering due to mental or physical illness, addiction, or grief

Offer additional prayers for healing and justice

Blessed Jesus, may Your Kingdom come quickly.
May Your will be done now.
In this and every moment, help us live Your hope and the prayer you taught us…

Conclude with The Lord’s Prayer

A Prayer for Heartbreak and Harm © 2024 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia

You are welcome to use my works in a worship setting without asking permission. It’s always a treat to hear from you if you’re using it. Leave a comment for information and permission to publish this work in a book, blog, etc.