Burning, but Not Consumed – a prayer inspired by Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3)

red and orange fire

Photo by Adonyi Gu00e1bor on Pexels.com

Holy God, you call to us from Scripture, from the preaching of your word, from the gift of song, from the love of a friend, from the beauty of nature.

Are you speaking now, Lord? Help me listen.

I am overwhelmed, stressed, full to the brim. I am at a breaking point, God. I don’t know why this is happening and I don’t know where you are. But I will give this to you.

Where in your life do you feel overwhelmed? Give it to God. 

Are you speaking now, Lord? Help me listen.

I feel lost in the whirlwind of life. Spinning from one thing to the next, my soul feels untethered from the source. There is too much to do and I don’t know how to do it all. But I will give this to you.

How do you feel lost and disconnected from God? Give it to God. 

Are you speaking now, Lord? Help me listen.

Fear grips my heart. I cling to what I know, where I feel safe. In the midst of change and transition, the ground beneath me feels like sinking sand. I want things to be the same and you are doing something new. But I will give this to you.

What fear is in your heart today? Give it to God. 

Are you speaking now, Lord? Help me listen.

Like a bush blazing off in the distance, Lord inspire us by your Spirit to turn towards you. Where there is overwhelm, grant peace. Where we are lost, guide our path. Where fear holds tight, draw near with your warm light. When we feel our world burning, remind us that your flame does not consume.

You are with us and you are speaking. What will you reveal to us? Help us to listen.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, who taught us to pray, saying:

Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer   

A huge thank you for Rev. Macon Armistead for permission to post his prayer.
Exodus 3:1-15 is read on Year A — Season after Pentecost — Proper 17 (22)

Burning, but Not Consumed © 2023 Macon Armistead
You are welcome to use this work in a worship setting without asking permission. It’s always a treat to hear from you if you’re using it. Leave a comment for information and permission to publish this work in a book, blog,, etc.

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